Sabtu, 12 November 2011

Automated Forex Trading System Risks

We've been hearing how great automated Forex Trading system is. There are numerous benefits using it. But is it all about the good things? There are two sides in a coin, so what is the other side of an automated Forex trading system? Some traders and investors would say that intuition means a lot when trading. Some would say that it played a major role when they are clinching a deal or when winning in a trade. But some traders would say that intuition does not play a role. Some would say that it works for them, while others would contest that. But given the fact that some people rely on intuition to get good trades, an automated system would not be able to help them. Since programs and computers do not rely on intuition at all. Another common thing that traders who use an automated Forex trading system is make their computers and programs take their place in trading. Actually, this is a great idea. Having a machine to do your trade for you making you deal with other matters. But this turns into a disadvantage especially when you let the program and computer do ALL the work. It is very easy to be comfortable with this setup, relying with your software too much. Actually, systems could make mistakes too. You would also need to recognize opportunities and at the same time do on-hand trading. Another downside of an automated Forex trading system is making sure that your computer is running all the time and you have a dedicated server to run your automated trading. This is to make sure that your expert advisors or EA would work with your home and work computer. There would be times when you would encounter a chart pattern or wave analysis which is very hard to accomplish. So you would have to get some professional people to interpret your charts for you and decode some extremely hard patterns. Another truth that you would have to face is that not all expert advisors handle errors and other unexpected things easily. So you would need to brace yourself against anything that could disappoint you. Not everything is perfect. So, you would to be prepared to face disappointments and handle them. This is why you would still need knowledge in manual Forex trading. Nothing is perfect, even computers and programs still make mistakes and can find it difficult to deal with unexpected and crucial points in trading. Traders and investors prefer to use both automated and manual trading. They would use automated trading system if they find manual trading difficult. While, simple systems like simple chart patterns are left to be done manually. Aside from all of these, another downside is that automated Forex trading is too popular over the internet. This can either be good or bad. The good thing is that getting an automated system is easy and at the tips of your fingers. While the bad thing is that too much popularity can cause numerous websites to come up with scams and cheating over the internee. There are a lot of automated Forex trading systems for sale in the internet. They claim that their products are the best among the systems, but they fail to meet the standards. That it why, people are advised to check on the comments of customers and have a money-back guarantee for the purchase.

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